~ A Little Hugg Fr0m EuU Would Keep Mii Happy FeRr The WHOLE Day.. XD ~

^v^ WelcOm3 ^v^

You dOn't hav3 tu be perf3ct fer mii..
Because I'm not perf3ct enOugh fer yOu..
I knOw that this fairytale will last lOng..
And fOr3v3r..
I did nOt regr3t knOwing yOu in the first place..
You walk3d intO my lif3,
And gav3 mii the happin3ss I want3d..
WithOut yOu,
my lif3 wOuld be incOmplet3..
You gav3 m3 ev3rything I want3d..

I'm in lOve with yOu befOr3 I met yOu..
It seems lik3 I saw yOu in my dr3ams..
When I finally saw yOu,
it seems that I'm waiting fOr my whOl3 lif3..
I kn3w that yOu're mOre than I want3d..
That is why I lOv3 yOu..

I just want a little hug frOm yOu..
And I wOuld be happy fOr the rest of the day..
Loving yOu is on3 of the great3st thing I ev3r had in my lif3..
I lOve yOu.. ^v^v


Saturday, February 14, 2009 Y

Happy happy happy happy VALENTINE'S DAY to DEAR and EVERYONE~!!

Today is the 1st time that I celebrate Valentine's day with dear~ XD
Thanx dear for the presents~ hehe.. I like it alot~
Im quite surprise by the presents~ =X
Anyway, dear although it's quite a spoil day today but at least have a happy ending.. lolx..
I just wish there wouldn't happen again next time.. But I doubt so.. =/
Try to forget about sad things and remember about all the happy memories..
Thanx dear for the bear and rose once again~ =D

I did not ``regret loving you.. @ 11:03:00 PM

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